The #1 Makeup Tip

The #1 Makeup Tip

I have taught many people over the years how to apply makeup. I do not in any means believe that there is one way to apply makeup, as new formulas and products have reached the market confusing the general public on what is the "correct" way to put on makeup. I was teaching my gorgeous [...]

2017 Fashion Rap-up

2017 Fashion Rap-up

It's time to scream Happy New Year and pop the champagne bottles, but before we properly welcome in 2018 lets reflect on the year that was. New years resolutions are often created by remembering our little mistakes and little wins from the past year. Here are the Volte's Fashion Dos and Don'ts from 2017: DONT [...]

The perfect scent for your designer dress

The perfect scent for your designer dress

Perfume is the indispensable complement to the personality of women, the finishing touch on a dress.  — Christian Dior There is a satisfaction like no other when entering a Perfumery or the fragrance section of a department store and misting the various array of scents over tiny tester cards or covering your body in different [...]